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TANZ Bremen 2010

Was tun Pina Bausch und ihre Tänzer in Wuppertal?

Film von Klaus Wildenhahn und Wolfgang Jost

Fri, 23.4.10, 20.30 h
Kino 46

In April and May 1982, Pina Bausch and her company worked on the piece ‘Walzer’. Klaus Wildenhahn and Wolfgang Jost filmed during the rehearsals: the long process of working out a choreography from seemingly incoherent elements, tediously learning the movement sequence of a figure, consolidating it, expressing it in a playful manner, and finally having it permanently at one’s disposal. Yet Wildenhahn and Jost did not only want to document dance theatre. They always kept an eye on the surroundings outside. At first, work and dance and the people of Wuppertal have nothing to do with each other. But only at first …

FRG 1982, 115 minutes
Directors: Klaus Wildenhahn, Wolfgang Jost